iTunes 11 looking normal again

So you got iTunes 11, launched it for the first time, and now you’re wondering where everything is and why it looks so different? You’re not alone, any time an apps user interface is redesigned it’s sure to leave some people confused as things are switched around, hidden, and adjusted. If you’re a creature of habit like me, you’ll want to make iTunes look “normal” again, that is, more familiar to what we’ve long become accustomed to with the past versions, and here are five simple tricks to do just that.

Show All Your Music Again by Sorting by “Songs” Instead of Albums

The new album view looks cool and all, but it can make it harder to browse music because it shows less music on screen. This is a super easy one to change, just click the “Songs” tab across the top and you’ll see a familiar list of music again. Phew!

Change iTunes 11 UI Sorting

Show Sidebar to See Playlists, iPhones, iPads, and the iTunes Store

This is probably the most important thing to change immediately, because for whatever reason Apple hid the sidebar by default and if you’re accustomed to seeing it all the time, that’s really silly. Showing the iTunes sidebar again is simple, and you’ll immediately be able to see all your playlists, iOS devices, and other stuff again:

  • From iTunes, pull down the “View” menu and select “Show Sidebar”

Show iTunes 11 sidebar

Show Status Bar & How Many Songs in iTunes Library Again

The status bar in iTunes tells you how many songs are in a library, what the playtime is, and how much space it takes up. This is useful knowledge particularly if you’re trying to stuff an album or two onto a pretty full iPod or iPhone. Showing the status bar again is easy:

  • Pull down the “View” menu and select “Show Status Bar”

Show iTunes status bar

Show Podcasts Again

If you subscribe to podcasts in iTunes and listen to them frequently, you probably want quick and easy access to them from the sidebar. You’ll have to check this option in the preferences:

  • Open iTunes Preferences and click on the “General” tab
  • Check the box next to “Podcasts” under Library

Show podcasts in iTunes 11

Lose the Color Scheming in Album View

iTunes 11 changes the background color of the display window depending on album artwork. If you prefer your UI’s to be nice and simple, disabling that feature is easy:

  • Open iTunes Preferences and choose on the “General” tab
  • Uncheck the box next to “Use custom colors for open albums, movies, etc”

Stop iTunes changing the background colors for albums

Got any other tricks to make iTunes 11 look familiar again? Let us know!


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