Install Mac OS X on HP Mini 1000 series – Hackintosh

A friend of mine just got a free HP Mini 1000 from his job and was bored stiff with Windows XP, he couldn’t really think of a use for the netbook so I suggested installing Mac OS X on it. The little machine is an excellent candidate for a hackintosh, and the setup is just […]

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RazorSQL 5.1.6 Mac OS X

RazorSQL allows you to Query, update, navigate, and manage all major databases from one database tool.With RazorSQL, an SQL query tool, SQL editor, and database navigator, you can run SQL scripts, visually edit, create, alter, and view tables, import and export data, build queries with a query builder tool, and navigate databases with the database […]

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Fix iPhone Proximity Sensor Problems

Some users who have upgraded to iPhone OS 4.0 (iOS 4) have noted that the proximity sensor behaves differently, sometimes it’s just less sensitive, a bit slow or lagged, and other times it’s just not as responsive. In the worst case scenario, the iPhone is up to your ear and the device doesn’t detect that […]

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Guide: how to install Snow Leopard (vanilla) on xps m1530 detailed walkthrough

These are the droids you are looking forLet’s start. First of all I am no expert and can be considered a total noob, if i did it you can do it. This guide is nothing more than a situation summary to let you know where to find what, i have tried many methods and i […]

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Descarga gratuita: 25 wallpapers para usuarios de Apple

Si bien es cierto que la mayoría de los visitantes de este blog usan Windows en sus PC’s, Adictos a la red también recibe  usuarios de otros sistemas operativos como Linux y Mac OSX. Por eso hoy, para todos aquellos que usan el sistema operativo de la “manzanita”, les traigo una muy buena colección de […]

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Mega Collection Of Cheatsheets for Designers & Developers

Cheatsheets and various quick reference guides are available for almost any type of software and language these days. Unfortunately they’re not always easy to find when you actually need them. This is why I decided to take some time to gather up as many as possible and share them with you here! Hopefully this can […]

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Stop Adobe Update Manager from launching

As you’ll soon be able to tell, I am annoyed with Adobe Update Manager, and thankfully I found a way to disable it completely. In case you didn’t know, Adobe Update Manager starts itself automatically on system launch and takes over your Mac while it sorts out whatever it does that I don’t want it […]

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