Tips on Writing Scalable Apps

Posted by Ken Ashcraft, Software Engineer

Google App Engine makes writing scalable apps easier, and a well-designed app should be able to grow automatically from one user to millions. What does it mean for a Google App Engine application to be «well…

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eyeOS 1.6 “Gala Sync” Released

The eyeOS Team and eyeOS Community are proud to announce the immediate availability of eyeOS 1.6 Gala Sync. This new major release, which has been centered entirely to improve the user experience at eyeOS, includes new applications, significant improv…

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New Release of ElasticFox

Many people have told me that they have used the ElasticFox extension for Firefox to get started with Amazon EC2. ElasticFox makes it easy to see the list of available AMIs (Amazon Machine Images), to launch any number of instances of those AMIs, and t…

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Seguridad en WordPress: 10 plugins necesarios

Excelente recopilación de SpeckyBoy: Top 10 Security and Protection Plugins for Wordpress que me permito traducir en caso que a alguien le resulten útiles… todo esto va más allá de los básicos para un Wordpress seguro: siempre tener la última v…

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WordPress Themes