Parascale, una solución de Almacenamiento en Nubes Privadas competitiva

El mundo de almacenamiento en La Nube anda un poco acelarado ante el inminente (¿o no tan inminente?) lanzamiento por parte de Google de su GDrive. Si a esto le sumamos la agitación alrededor de las Nubes Privadas, tenemos un nuevo concepto muy interesante: Private Storage Clouds o Almacenamiento en Nubes Privadas. La diferencia frente […]

Tagged with: 3.1, con muchas mejoras

<p>Con el lanzamiento de <a href=»″> 3.0</a> aún bastante reciente, ya tenemos a la vista la próxima versión, <strong> 3.1</strong> que nos traerá unos cuantos cambios y mejoras para esta aplicación ofimática.</p> <p>Algunos de los cambios más significativos están relacionados con los gráficos en las diferentes aplicaciones. Uno que apreciaremos a simple vista es el […]

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Building a House in the Cloud – Cloudcenters vs. Infrastructure Web Services

Last week, my colleague Randy Bias, introduced the concept of the “cloudcenter” and it has gotten some good commentary, traction and feedback. Most basically put, a cloudcenter (e.g., GoGrid) is a “datacenter in the Cloud” with features, systems, processes and functionality that sysadmins and IT Operations folks are accustomed to. But I feel that the […]

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CloudFront Management Tool Roundup

Amazon CloudFront was designed to make it really easy to distribute content to users at high speed with low latency. Here are some new tools which provide a nice end-user interface to CloudFront. The newest Freeware release of the CloudBerry Explorer now includes CloudFront support. You can create and manage distributions, assign CNAMES, and even […]

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Cloudcenters are Datacenters in the Sky

Amazon’s Web Services (AWS) is not the only way to build scalable Cloud Infrastructures.  There are two emerging methodologies for constructing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) AKA “Cloud Infrastructure Services”.  The first is what we call “cloudcenters”, which are essentially datacenters in the sky.  The second is what we call an “Infrastructure Web Service”.  GoGrid was one of […]

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European Templates for your Convenience

Amazon’s recently announced the availability of EC2 Europe Region and we followed immediately announcing the integration of EC2-Europe as a deployment option of the Elastic Server Factory. This is big news for European AWS fans looking for a complement to S3-Europe and those not comfortable using compute capacity in the States. Amazon has reworked their […]

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Utiliza zoom en tus desarrollos con OpenZoom Framework

A la enorme riqueza de recursos que podemos usar en la interfaz de nuestros desarrollos y así para potenciar y enriquecer la experiencia del usuario, hay que tomar en cuenta a OpenZoom OpenZoom es un framework open source para crear interfaces de usuario con efecto zoom o acercamiento. Este está construido en la cima de […]

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