You can have a secure overlay network – in less than 1 hour!

Really you can! And we would like you to give it a try.We are looking for a handful of Beta testers for a custom version of VPN-Cubed packaged for EC2. Why should you signup?Getting the overlay network up is pretty easy, you get to see an overlay network in action at EC2, and beta testers […]

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RightScale supports Amazon EC2 Europe

Our platform now supports Amazon EC2 in Europe! Several of our customers have already noticed it and are running servers there using RightScale. This brings the cloud offering in Europe practically up to par with what’s available in the US. After operating production servers in the EU for about a month now, I must say […]

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GoGrid libera su API de gestión bajo licencia Creative Commons

GoGrid es una empresa que ofrece Infraestructura Como Servicios (IaaS) de manera similar a como hace Amazon Web Services. Parece que querían eclipsar a Obama en la ceremonia de envestidura anunciando que liberan la especificación del API de gestión de su CloudCenter, la especificación GoGrid cloudcenter Application Programming Interface (API) bajo una licencia Creative Commons. […]

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Building a House in the Cloud – Cloudcenters vs. Infrastructure Web Services

Last week, my colleague Randy Bias, introduced the concept of the “cloudcenter” and it has gotten some good commentary, traction and feedback. Most basically put, a cloudcenter (e.g., GoGrid) is a “datacenter in the Cloud” with features, systems, processes and functionality that sysadmins and IT Operations folks are accustomed to. But I feel that the […]

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Nueva consola de gestión de Amazon EC2: la difícil tarea de sobrevivir en el ecosistema AWS

El pasado viernes recibí un bonito correo que me invitaba a probar la nueva beta de la consola de gestión de Amazon Web Services. La primera versión es una consola para EC2, aunque quieren expandirla a todos los servicios de Amazon Web Services. Luego mi vida paso a ser un infierno de nieve y atascos, […]

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CloudFront Management Tool Roundup

Amazon CloudFront was designed to make it really easy to distribute content to users at high speed with low latency. Here are some new tools which provide a nice end-user interface to CloudFront. The newest Freeware release of the CloudBerry Explorer now includes CloudFront support. You can create and manage distributions, assign CNAMES, and even […]

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Cloudcenters are Datacenters in the Sky

Amazon’s Web Services (AWS) is not the only way to build scalable Cloud Infrastructures.  There are two emerging methodologies for constructing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) AKA “Cloud Infrastructure Services”.  The first is what we call “cloudcenters”, which are essentially datacenters in the sky.  The second is what we call an “Infrastructure Web Service”.  GoGrid was one of […]

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