Jailbreak iOS 4.0.2 for iPhone 3G, iPod 2G with Redsn0w

As you know that Apple released iOS 4.0.2 in response of jailbreakme jailbreak, but they didn’t fixed the redsn0w exploit for iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G. So you guys an jailbreak your iPhone 3G and iPod 2G wit last release of Redsn0w 0.9.5-b5 beta. This will also hacktivate your iPhone3G at 4.0.2 if you […]

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FaceTime Mod : Improves Video by Increasing FPS

FaceTime Mod, improves the quality of video through FaceTime, is available for free in Cydia. FaceTime Mod is a really amazing tweak that can increase the FPS (Frames Per Seconds) the number of images per second, giving more clarity to the video call with higher quality. In addition to improving the quality via WiFi network, […]

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Fix Different SIM Detected Error after Activation with Phonebook SIM

Last time we told you that Sheriff Hashim discovered an unique way to activate iPhone temporarily, if you missed then check Activate iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G Without Official SIM. Phone Book card activation trick is useful for those who got carrier locked phones outside the country and looking for jailbreak and unlock. Worth to mention […]

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Activa tu iPhone ilegal y solucion al error “Different SIM detected”

Pinche aquí para ver el vídeo Hola iPhoniatico , como ya sabemos el hacker del DevTeam  Sherif Hashim nos enseño una forma de activar nuestro iPhone ilegal muchos si lo han podido activar. Tambien estan llegando a muchos paises una sim  que es de activacion, ya que recuerden que los iPhone estan empezando a venderse […]

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Lista de apps de Cydia compatibles con el iPad

Queremos facilitar la vida a todos los fieles lectores de giP ofreciendo una lista de aplicaciones disponibles en Cydia que funcionan en el iPad a la perfección. Ya hemos visto varias, así que mejor empezamos por ahí para llenar de contenido este post que esperamos se vuelva valioso para ustedes. Si conoces alguna app de […]

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Pequeña vulnerabilidad con JailbreakMe, ¡protégete!

Al parecer los primeros que instalaron JailbreakMe anoche pueden estar expuestos a un ataque externo (yo entre ellos). Esto sucede ya que JailbreakMe se cuela por una vulnerabilidad de Safari y la deja posteriormente abierta,permitiendo el acceso a posteriori de mas código malicioso (en el caso que ocurra). Concretamente la herramienta de comex se aprovecha […]

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My3G : FaceTime Over 3G is finally a reality!

As expected FaceTime is hacked to work over 3G instead of WiFi with in first 24 hours of iPhone 4 jailbreak release. Credits goes to RockYourPhone team who updated a package named My3G over the RockYourPhone store. My3G make Apps believe that they are on WiFi instead of 3G very similar to 3G Unrestrictor available […]

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