We are proud to announce the inmediate availability of the first eyeOS version of 2009: eyeOS 1.8.0. It’s now available to download (for installing or upgrading an eyeOS server, see the Requirements) and use from the public server. This new version includes new aplications, major improvements in both system and base applications and bug fixes all around the platform, and represents an increase of the active developers community at eyeOS with significant contributions of Matthew Powell, Daniel Sousa, Lars Knickrehm and more new members.

What’s new in eyeOS 1.8 Lars?

The new eyeFiles
One of the most important applications in eyeOS, eyeFiles (the file manager) didn’t have major updates since it was initially released in eyeOS 1.0. It has been rewritten for eyeOS 1.8 and includes major new features such as a multiple views (icons, list, details), a new zone to navigate between home folder, groups and trash (unifying the three apps into a single one), a new “Open With…” dialog to select which app should open a specific type of file and more.


eyeHelp: eyeOS Help System
The new Help System, available for all applications developed with the eyeOS Toolkit 1.8+, and allows the user receive information about the usage of the application being used and ask for help to the administrator of the system. If you would like to contribute creating more help contents for some base apps you can contact Lars.


New available theme: eyeFusion
There are dozens of themes for eyeOS 1.x available in eyeOS-apps.org, but one of them, developed specifically for eyeOS 1.8 has been selected to be included in the release. eyeFusion is now the third theme included in eyeOS by default and presents a darker, more realistic look of the desktop, icons and base applications artwork.


Improvements in the eyeOS API and Toolkit
The eyeOS Toolkit 1.x continues evolving to become one of the best available toolkits and API to develop web applications. In eyeOS 1.8, the Toolkit includes new widgets and improvements in some existing ones. For example there is a new Sound widget to develop native audio applications. There are new applications already available using this new features in eyeOS-apps.org, like a native music player & manager called eyeMediaVault.


Small improvements here and there
Some of the base applications have been studied to provide a better usability to the end user (e.g. eyeContacts has been redesigned to provide a clearner interface). All the base applications can be maximized now (auto-adapting its forms to every window size), and almost all of them can be full-screened, hiding the desktop behind them.


Download it – Use it.

eyeOS is available to be downloaded. You can read the full Release notes at the eyeOS wiki. If you just want to use it without downloading-setting up your own server, you can use the eyeOS Public Server, that has been already updated to eyeOS 1.8.

The new eyeOS Website

Together with this release we have published the new eyeOS website, which includes lots of improvements in the design, text and linking. The introduction to eyeOS at the home page has been designed by eyeOS design creator with the collaboration of a marketing manager and implements some advises from Richard Stallman after some email echanging about eyeOS and Cloud Computing. Thanks to all of you!


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