Fujitsu Amilo Mini con carcasas intercambiables

Carcasas intercambiables del Fujitsu Amilo Mini

Quizá los fabricantes estén buscando nuevos métodos de personalización para los ordenadores portátiles, ahora que utilizar diferentes colores en la carcasa parece que ya está implantado (no hay más que ver, por ejemplo, los Dell Studio Hybrid).

Una de las características del Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Mini, el ultraportátil de Fujitsu, es que tendrá carcasas intercambiables que podrán cambiarse de forma muy sencilla, tal y como muestra este vídeo. Las diferentes carcasas únicamente parecen diferir en el color, aunque es posible que si la idea tiene éxito, Fujitsu pueda crear nuevas carcasas con diferentes diseños entre ellas, como por ejemplo estampados, diseños basados en fotografías o, por qué no, totalmente personalizados al gusto del usuario.

Toda la tecnología en general está acercándose a la personalización casi completa de la carcasa externa. Juraría que este Amilo Mini es el primer ejemplo en el que es el propio fabricante el que ofrece varias carcasas, aunque luego son muchas las páginas que venden láminas de vinilo, por ejemplo, para situar en la parte superior del ordenador. Un ejemplo de esto es GelaSkins con las láminas de vinilo para MacBooks, pero buscando un poco no es complicado encontrar unas cuantas páginas que se dedican a la personalización de ordenadores.

En Xataka | Fujitsu Siemens se apunta también a los ultraportátiles.
Vía | SlashGear.

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Availability in the Cloud

Today I came across a very interesting post, written by Mukul Kumar, which poses an intriguing topic of Cloud availability. Spawned most likely because of some “lack” of availability on Amazon’s S3 recently, Kumar discusses how companies might wa…

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OSGi running on Amazon EC2

OSGi is a Java-based service platform that can be remotely managed. The core part of the specifications is a framework that defines an application life cycle management model, a service registry, an Execution environment and Modules. Based on this framework, a large number of OSGi Layers, APIs, and Services have been defined. OSGi Specification is maintained by OSGi Alliance.

Server side OSGi applications now can also be easily deployed on computing clouds implemented by Amazon (EC2). With several mouse clicks your exported bundles can be uploaded to remote storage (S3) and added to profile (Launch Configuration). Now virtual servers (EC2 instances) containing OSGi framework provisioned with selected bundles can easily be started.

Screenshot of the Profile Editor:

Click here to open OSGi on EC2 video presentation in a new window.

If someone is interested in trying out OSGi Cloud – contact us at

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White Paper on 'Cloud Architectures' and Best Practices of Amazon S3, EC2, SimpleDB, SQS

I am very happy to announce my white paper on Cloud Architectures is now ready. This is one incarnation of the Emerging Cloud Service Architectures that Jeff wrote about a few weeks ago.

If you are new to the cloud, the first section of the paper wil…

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Shared Intelligence

SiSense - Shared Intelligence

Dashboards, Reports, Guided Analytics, Business Presentations and everything in between with Prism.

  • Create Dashboards, Reports, Charts and Widgets
  • Drag and drop analysis and charting
  • Display results in widgets, reports and group documents
  • OLAP-quality and insight, drill down and pivots, with no OLAP or IT investment

Analyze Anything

  • SiSense connects to Excel, SQL, MySQL, Oracle and SQL Analysis Services
  • No Scripting, no dedicated server

Amazon S3 Dashboard Beta

Be one of the first to use our Amazon S3 dashboard. Either use the code provided you or email us to request access to our Amazon S3 beta. Apply our business intelligence tools and optimize the way you use S3 services.

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Jollat – Cross-Platform AWS Manager Client

Andras wrote to tell me about Jollat, a new graphical cross-platform (Windows, Mac, and Linux) management client for Amazon EC2 and S3. Available for free download (with a purchase option), the client includes a number of interesting features.

On the…

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Friday Wrapup…

It is finally summer here in Seattle and I’m trying to get out of the office as early as possible today. Here are a few cool things that have recently landed in my inbox:

Don MacAskill wrote to tell me about his new product, SmugVault. This new servi…

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